Texas Aerial Robotics

This site host the documentation for our projects.


Common Linux Commands - This document contains a list of common linux commands

Enviroment Setup Instructions - This document explains how to setup our development enviorment

Robot Operating System (ROS) - This document links to helpful tutorials to help you learn ROS

Gazebo - This document links to helpful tutorials to help you learn ROS

ArduCopter - This gives a quick rundown on arducopter

Control API - This document explains how to code our drone to move

YOLO Image Recognition - This document explains how to use YOLO (You Only Look Once, a realtime image detection neural net)

Training YOLO with BBox-Label-Tool - This document explains how to train YOLO to recognize your own objects

Using YOLO with ROS - This package explains how to integrate yolo into your robot architecture using ROS

Object Contextualization with Monocular Camera for a UAV - This package is designed to work hand in hand with YOLO and Ardupilot to give the UAV awareness of where detected objects are in the UAV's navigational frame.